SPD 47: Joe Zeff's Favorite Magazine

SPD 47: Joe Zeff's Favorite Magazine
Joe Zeff, President, Joe Zeff Design

I love Post because it is so smart and sophisticated, and experiencing it makes me feel smart and sophisticated. Its navigation is almost invisible, and I feel empowered by understanding where to go without being addressed like a kindergartner to tap here and swipe there. There's an incredible surprise on nearly every screen, some pulled off through complicated tricks like the manipulable 3D cover in Post Gravity and others through simple visual juxtapositions like the Currents section in Post Matter. I really love the way the editors reference other iPad memes, such as their "Elements"-inspired periodic table of accessories in each issue. The content presents itself in waves, with one mind-blowing experience after another. I close the app feeling inspired, and wanting to share it with anyone nearby. Many thanks to Charlie Melcher for sharing it with me.

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