Speaker Series Begins with "News You Can Use"
Tickets are now available for the first Speaker Series event of the fall, "News You Can Use," scheduled Sept. 10.
We have three distinguished speakers -- D.W. Pine of TIME magazine, Dirk Barnett of Newsweek Daily Beast and Josh Klenert of Huffington Magazine -- to discuss their ever-changing responsibilities in the newsmagazine business. Their perspectives cover a broad gamut: a venerable newsmagazine that has published since 1923; another that changed hands recently and has been linked to reports about discontinuing its print edition; and a newcomer that exists only digitally and never had a print edition. Between them, these three CDs juggle magazines, apps and websites amid breaking news, Olympics coverage, and a presidential campaign that presents constant challenges.
The event will be moderated by Joe Zeff of Joe Zeff Design, whose studio has created apps and covers for TIME and Newsweek, including this week's TIME cover. The event will take place at AOL/Huffington Post, 770 Broadway.
Seating is limited, and admission is FREE for SPD members. Details here.