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Breaking: Time/Meredith Merger a No-Go

Breaking: Time/Meredith Merger a No-Go

Well, that didn't last long. In a surprising turn of events, the proposed merger between Time Inc. and Meredith Corporation has fallen apart. In a memo to staff obtained by SPD today, Time Inc. CEO Jeff Bewkes announced that the magazine group will become an "independent, publicly-traded company."

The memo further states that, despite the rumors of Time, SI, Money, and Fortune not being part of the proposed deal with Meredith, "all of Time Inc.'s magazines will stay in the portfolio."

Maybe, Just Maybe, the Best Magazine Logo Ever.

Maybe, Just Maybe, the
Best Magazine Logo Ever.

May it rest in peace.
Newsweek Shutting Down Print Edition

Newsweek Shutting Down Print Edition

After 80 years in print, Newsweek editor-in-chief Tina Brown has announced that the December 31, 2012 issue will be the magazine's last.

Read the full announcement after the jump...


« March 2013