PUB 50

PUB 50

CONGRATULATIONS Medal Finalists and Merit Winners! **CLOSED**

Looking to see the list of Medal Finalists? Click Here

                                Want to know if you are a Merit Winner?  Go Here


Step 1  Log on HERE

This is the same system you used to enter.  All your winning entries are listed once you log-in.

Step 2  UPLOAD high-res CMYK tiffs at 350 dpi 8" wide for each winning entry

Step 3 - Choose based on your winning submission(s).

Name each file to it's Entry ID# (i.e. E-1234-56) attached to each entry.  For MULTIPLE SPREAD ENTRIES (entire issue, redesign, story), mark the ID#s in the following manner (i.e. for a Photo, Feature Story winner, ID# E-1234-56): E-1234-56A, E-1234-56B, etc.

A. Magazine of the Year Winners - Submit 1 cover & 2 spreads from EACH ISSUE (9 files total, 3 from each issue).   

B. Brand of the Year Winners - Submit 1 the cover from your print issue and/or1 cover from stand-alone issue (if applicable), 1 tiff from the APP and 1 tiff from the website (4 files MAX).

C. Entire Issue & Redesign Issue Winners - Submit 1 cover & 2 spreads or single pages (3 files total per winning entry ID#). For Redesign, only submit work from the "AFTER" issue. 

D. Story Winners & FOB Winners - Submit 2 spreads or single pages of each winning entry (2 files total per winning ID#). Choose the most representative 2 pages from your story or section.

E. Cover,  Spread/Single Page, & Redesign Section Winners - Submit 1 cover, single page, or spread (1 file total per winning ID#). For Redesign, only submit work from the "AFTER" section. 

F. Digital Winners - Submit 2 representative CMYK tiffs of each winning entry (2 files total per winning ID#); For  APP Cover and Website Homepage, submit 1 tiff.

Step 4  COMPLETE, verify and approve credits.

Please proofread and spell-check all credit information as you want it to be published in the PUB 50 Annual.

Step 5  PAY YOUR PUB FEES, renew membership, buy gala tickets, and pre-order the PUB 50 Annual.

A publication fee is required for inclusion in the PUB 50 Annual; member rate of $50 per entry, and non-member rate, $100 per entry.  Late fees apply after April 8th. Submissions that have missing payment will not be published.

If you have any questions you can call (212-223-3332) or email us (




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As SPD  enters its golden anniversary, we are more committed than ever to putting the focus of the competition on the work that has been produced, with a revamped approach that is designed to create a more level playing field for all participants. We believe that the new rules and structure of the SPD publication design competition, developed by our team of competition chairs and the SPD executive board, will help recognize all the outstanding work being done across numerous print and digital genres. 


PUB 50 is chaired by FRED WOODWARD (Design Director, GQ) and FLORIAN BACHLEDA (Creative Director, Fast Company). The Magazine of the Year competition is chaired by ROBERT NEWMAN (Creative Director, @Newmanology). The Brand of the Year competition is chaired by JANET FROELICH (Design Consultant). The Digital competition is chaired by MELANIE MCLAUGHLIN (Creative Director, Collide Brand Consultants) and LISA MICHURSKI (VP of Strategy & Experience, Form Science). 


A big part of the competition is being re-structured so it focuses on types of publications, instead of types of individual stories.  There are now 10 different genre classifications of publications, and every publication needs to enter in only one of those 10 genres. Within each of those 10 genres are the same 13 identical categories.


This is the Battle Royale!  While the print work you enter in your genre will be judged against others in that genre, the Super 8  categories allow everyone to compete against everyone else, regardless of genre.



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