Logos: October 2009 Archives

Revolving Cover Logos

Revolving Cover Logos

Last week we posted an item on SPD Grids about upside down magazine covers, designs where the art directors turned the logos on their heads. We asked for more examples of this style, and received the following collection of covers from the legendary Seattle music and culture magazine The Rocket, art directed by Art Chantry. For this series of six covers Chantry decided to completely rotate the cover logo from issue to issue, in a clockwise manner. The logos starts at the top in a traditional position, and then flips around over the six issues. Chantry notes that the issue where the logo got back to the top was also his last. Ed Fotheringham is the illustrator for the first issue, from January 1993. For more examples of classic design from The Rocket, visit: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=92700&id=75782447667MORE

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