Recently in My Favo(u)rite Magazine Category

Every Good Boy (and Girl) Deserves Favour(ite)!

Every Good Boy (and Girl) Deserves Favour(ite)!

My Favo(u)rite Magazine is a benefit magazine project created by Andrew Losowsky and Magculture's Jeremy Leslie to help our friend and colleague Bob Newman after his serious accident earlier this year. All proceeds from the project will go to help Bob pay medical bills and sustain him and his family while he regains his health. My Favo(u)rite Magazine is a true collectors' item, filled with contributions from 88 magazine makers from around the world, each describing their favo(u)rite magazine.

As part of the promotion for the project, over 100 people sent in photographs of themselves holding My Favo(u)rite Magazine (or took pics of it in offices, studios, cafes, and in front of famous landmarks in cities ranging from Tokyo to Rio to London to Helsinki). Here are 25 of our favo(u)rites, featuring 61 people (and one dog!).

My Favo(u)rite Magazine is available in printed or PDF format from Magculture.

You can contribute to the ongoing Friends of Bob Newman fundraising page here.

« December 2013