Results tagged “Criswell Lappin” from Grids

My SPD: Criswell Lappin, Creative Director, Institute of Play

Learn more about MySPD and how to join HERE... MORE

SPD 47: Criswell Lappin's Favorite Magazine

Criswell Lappin, Art DirectorFavorite Magazine: ColorsI am not sure if I have a favorite magazine, but when I picked up Colors this year and it was kind of like running into my best friend from college. And in this case... MORE

See SPOTS. Win.

Every art director knows that sometimes the best work you can do in a day is to assign just the right illustrator for that possibly-impossible-to-describe assignment and getting back the perfect solution. "Spot" illustrations may be small in size, but... MORE

Fast News for September 28, 2010

SPD MEDIA MIX is our regular list of publication design, digital, and media news and updates. Please send your links and news items to SPD at and we'll add them to the Mix.>> Former Newsweek Director of Photography SImon Barnett is now... MORE

The ABCs of XYZ

A deeper look at the newly redesigned RISD alumni magazine from Criswell Lappin [RISD MFA '97]: An alumni magazine should be about alumni activity. One of the biggest problems with Rhode Island School of Design's previous alumni magazine, risd views,... MORE

10 for 10

North Carolina native Criswell Lappin is celebrating his 
10th year as the Creative Director of Metropolis. In that time he has created some of the most beautiful and memorable covers in the industry. The highlight, he says, has been the... MORE

Results tagged “Criswell Lappin” from Winners 2008