Results tagged “Mitt Romney” from Grids

Creating Daily Magazine Covers at the Political Conventions

When Bloomberg decided to publish a daily magazine at the Republican and Democratic conventions this year, it was a natural choice for them to tap former Time art director Arthur Hochstein to be the creative force for their covers. Hochstein... MORE

Mitt Romney Illustrations

Watching the Democratic Convention this week, we've heard that many people think a Mitt Romney Presidency will be very bad for women, gays, veterans, students, minorities, labor unions, the middle class, and more. But there's one group that Mitt Romney... MORE

TIME: How You Like Mitt Now?

Fresh off a "win" Tuesday night, TIME magazine revisits Mr. 25% Mitt Romney with a cover that nods to their Dec 12, 2011 cover (right). More on the cover store here at TIME Swampland. (left: Jan 16, 2012)Cover photograph by... MORE