Results tagged “interviews” from Grids

More on the WIRED iPad app:
"We make up the language as we go."

It seems safe to say we're all pretty interested in the ways that apps are impacting the magazines of today, and what they might mean about the magazines of tomorrow. There's admittedly some frustration too, about how much we DON'T... MORE

GINA BARNETT: Questions, Anyone?

We hope we'll see you this Thursday night at Gina Barnett's Speakeasy at the Helen Mills Theatre. We've blogged, we've probed, and we've e-mail blasted. So log out, swipe your Metrocard and join us for an insightful evening that will... MORE


No matter how talented we are, at some point, we all experience that "writing on the wall" moment, when we  know that it's time to move on. Maybe it's downsizing, or a new editorial direction-or whatever-but it's something no one's... MORE