Part 19: The Copyedit

Part 19: The Copyedit From Brian Dustrud, copy editor:

This is our first hardcopy stage. Every edit from here on in will be done mostly on paper, with proofs being handed back and forth from copy editors to researchers to editors. The story's main editor, Nancy Miller, is arbiter of which changes get rejected, which get integrated, and which require further study. As you'll see from my notes on the pages, the copy editor does more than check basic spelling and grammar. It's also my job to point out holes in the logic, imprecise turns of phrase, and other weaknesses, both minor and major, as I see them. And overuse of commas. Nancy then goes over these with the writer, if necessary, and gives it all back to me to enter into the electronic file.

Despite it's presence on this blog, there was nothing special about the Kaufman feature. I read the pitch and some of the discussion about presenting our process here, so I assumed my edits would be scanned and uploaded as part of this project, but I don't think that altered my approach. But I did consciously avoid looking at the rough draft or the first edit posted on this blog, since I don't generally see those for any story.

DISCLAIMER: Unlike the previous editors, I don't have the benefit of disclaiming responsibility for spelling and other errors. So I'll just say that If my edits are electronically entered correctly, the next version will be flawless. Except for perhaps factual errors. And maybe a typo or two. Not to worry, at least two more copy editors, a couple of researchers, and as many as 300 editors will all add their thoughts on this feature before it hits the magazine pages.

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