Recently in Old School Category

Killing Time in Cuba

Killing Time in Cuba

On yet another overcast, crappy New York workday, when I should be focused on the September fashion photo edit, pulling layouts together, and periodically getting up to flex some managerial muscles in the small of my back, I find myself instead with my door closed, furtively tinkering with Pandora and coddling my OCD habit: surfing the web for original paintings of late 60's, early 70's Cuban poster art. It's kind of win-win since if I'm suddenly rudely interrupted by my Managing Editor telling me to pass along a first-proof, it looks as if I'm merely "researching" illustrators and therefore doing legit biz. Now if only I could accompany my little siesta with a Mojito, I'd be ALL set. The following images may or may not be
Olympic Typography Skills (in 1968)

Olympic Typography Skills (in 1968)

I don't know about you, but I've caught this Olympic fever; the more I watch, the more I find myself picking out the ubiquitous "Beijing 2008" Olympic logo on everything (I mean everything). I can't help but think to myself, "only in the digital age." Right?

Then this morning I came across this "Mexico 68" logo.