These Guys Kick APPS: Q&A (Part 2)
Leading up to our Tuesday, July 26, 2011 SpeakEasy at the Helen Mills Theatre, we've asked our four presenters a few questions on the State of Apps. Next on our list of questions, we want to know:
What advice do you have for print designers trying to move into app design?
Founders of TRVL, an a la carte travel magazine for iPad based in Bussum, The Netherlands. Working out of a spare bedroom, they have published 25 issues of TRVL. (Above: TRVL's India White Widows issue, photographer: Jochem Wijnands)
Let go of all standards, take a look at the new interface, but check if the usual stuff still works.
For instance, we think that going from left to right is a nice way to go through a magazine.
Especially when you look at the new users of iPad: children and the elderly.
Best advice is to ship it ASAP! Because then you will learn how your market reacts to your app and business model.
President of Joe Zeff Design, a multidisciplinary studio that helps companies fuse content, technology and business opportunities on the iPad. Joe and his team have created apps such as "The Final Hours of Portal 2" and "Above & Beyond: George Steinmetz."
Understand the tenets of effective tablet design, and marry them with your strengths as a print designer. Recognize that passive content, regardless of how beautifully presented, will pale by comparison to active content in which users can participate. Marry strong typography, photography and illustration with interactive objects, layered information and multimedia experiences. Consider that design serves two fundamental roles here: branding and functionality. It is your job to create or sustain an identity that goes beyond the content itself, and to guide the user through that content with maximum confidence and minimal ambiguity. While you may find yourself tempted to implement new features as they become available -- think back to the early days of Photoshop when every headline had a drop shadow -- the best approaches are often the simplest ones. Just as in print.
Unlike print, tablet designers now find themselves at the intersection of content, technology and opportunity. It is imperative to achieve a basic understanding of all three areas in order to maximize the potential gains. Technology is what brings content to life, and opportunity is why we bother in the first place. Agile organizations put designers and programmers and salespeople on the same team; larger companies put them on different floors or even different buildings. The new world requires collaboration like never before, and a focus on what appeals to consumers today and tomorrow rather than what made sense yesterday. Just as important: the connections between content producers and the audiences they serve, as there is no better source of inspiration and information for designers than those who actually consume their work
Mike Burgess
We're in the early days of app design. We know that websites on iPad's won't cut it but straight up print design, though often really creative, might not work either. I'd say partner up with a really strong digital UX (user experience) designer and fight your corner hard when they complain about the usability of your designs. Between the two of you, you'll create something great..
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THESE GUYS KICK APPS: An indie-apps appreciation night.
You know their apps. Now meet their creators, and learn how it's done.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Helen Mills Theatre
139 West 26th Street (between 6th & 7th Aves), NYC
Doors open for seating at 6:30 PM
Presentation begins at 7:00 PM
Cocktails after begin about 8:30 PM
Get on the waitlist for this SOLD OUT event here.
See related stories:
These Guys Kick Apps: Q&A (Part 1) - Your biggest challenge?
Mag App: Project magazine
10 Essential iPad Apps for Publication Designers (2nd Edition)
Cover of the Day: Popular Mechanics for iPad, Samsung Galaxy, and print
The Story of O, Part 4: iPad Pages
From SXSW: SPIN Play App for iPad