illustration: December 2009 Archives

Illustrator David Levine, R.I.P.

Illustrator David Levine, R.I.P.

We just received the sad news that brilliant illustrator David Levine passed away at the age of 83. Most famous for his many illustrations of writers for The New York Review of Books, Levine was also part of the school of 60s illustrators who skewered LBJ, Nixon and others with wit and style. The New York Review of Books has a wonderful gallery of Levine's work here. And you can see a quick take on a handful of his greatest illustrations (LBJ, Nixon, Kissinger...) here.

Levine's definitive book of collected work, American Presidents, is available in paperback from Amazon and others.

(UPDATE): Illustrator Steve Brodner has a short remembrance and a video of Levine here.

The New Yorker has a slide show of color work here.

If you have links to more of Levine's work or want to pass along more info, please post in comments and we'll add it it to this post.

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