SpeakEasy: September 2012 Archives

News You Can Use: The Photos!

News You Can Use: The Photos!

Thanks to photographer Thaddeus Rombauer for his great work documenting the SPD News you can use event, gallery after the jump...… MORE

"News You Can Use" Recap

SPD launched its 2012-13 Speaker Series last night with "News You Can Use," featuring the creative directors of TIME, Newsweek and Huffington in front of a full house at AOL/Huffington in New York City.

Visitors came from as far as Mexico to hear Josh Klenert of HuffingtonDirk Barnett of Newsweek Daily Beast (until the end of the week, when he becomes CD of The New Republic), D.W. Pine of TIME and Joe Zeff of Joe Zeff Design talk about the challenges of producing content for magazines, tablets, phones, websites and books on a weekly schedule. Arianna Huffington introduced the speakers and AOL provided the space and refreshments for a capacity crowd.

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