"I Raved About It To My Magazine Store Clerk."

I hate to say it but I have been ogling the latest issue of Bon Appétit. It was the cover that got me! I wanted to eat up that ice cream cone right there in the magazine store. I raved about it to my local magazine store clerk. Asking him how many people have bought it? Who is buying it? Does he like the cover? (Magazine clerks know their covers!) Bon Appétit has exquisite typography, the structure is inviting and the photography is slick and tangible.

Also, I've been checking out a lot of websites and book covers. Evan Campisi at Entertainment Weekly has introduced me to Monocle -- I love the navigation of the department pages. The type is set well and it is entirely informative.



The magazine is very beautiful too, and very thick!! You all should pick up a copy.

Another site I've been checking out is The Book Design Review blog. I just can't get enough of concepts and weird coincidences.

Oh, and Cool Infographics is great too!

-- Liana Zamora, freelance art director

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