Typomag: A design library must-have

Typomag: A design library must-have Barcelona-based publisher Index Book recently released TypoMag,which highlights--you guessed it--magazine typography. Curated by editorial designer Laura Meseguer, the book features an international mix of publications known for inventive font usage... 
from current hits like Futu and Elephant to erstwhile titles like Emigre and Suite. (And even--full disclosure--my employer, The New York Times Magazine.) I just received my copy and was surprised by both the quality of the content and the design of the book itself, which is understated and elegant.






You can pre-order TypoMag from Amazon here.

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  • Grant Glas

    I agree with Nathalie, spread two gave me font goose bumps.

  • Brandon Kavulla

    Dang. Yes please!

  • Nathalie Kirsheh

    FANTASTIC find! Spread #2 is making me salivate...

  • Alisha Williams

    Can't wait to get my hands on this book!

  • Josh Klenert

    Well, this post just cost me $17.96. Great find!

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