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Powerful Web Photojournalism

Powerful Web Photojournalism

From my pal, Jeremy LaCroix, over at CBS Interactive:

Too often, the most basic ideas get lost in online editorial in a struggle to prop up page views so sites can catch the eye of the coveted advertisers through our display of robust data points ( views) and not quality of the product or brand. Unfortunately, it's the viewers who lose out. (Notice I don't call them "users." How rude is that term anyway?) How many times have you said to yourself, "Yeah the Web is getting better, but I miss large-format photography and the power it wields in conveying feeling and telling a story." has changed this perception for me with its franchise simply titled BIG PICTURE.

"I Raved About It To My Magazine Store Clerk."

I hate to say it but I have been ogling the latest issue of Bon Appétit. It was the cover that got me! I wanted to eat up that ice cream cone right there in the magazine store. I raved about it to my local magazine store clerk. Asking him how many people have bought it? Who is buying it? Does he like the cover? (Magazine clerks know their covers!) Bon Appétit has exquisite typography, the structure is inviting and the photography is slick and tangible.