Results tagged “R. Crumb” from Grids

POW! Which Artwork Landed the Strongest Punch Ever?

By Steve BrodnerWe asked some of America's most powerful artists which pieces got THEIR blood up the most.In our choice of going light or strong with graphic commentary in media, quite often the pull is toward stepping lightly and letting... MORE

Happy Thanksgiving! 11 Illustrated New Yorker Thanksgiving Covers

The New Yorker has been publishing Thanksgiving covers for most of its history. But our favorites are the ones done since 1993, all art directed by Francoise Mouly. Here are 10 of our favorites (plus one pre-93 cover by Saul... MORE

Babylon Falling: A website of progressive graphic inspiration

Babylon Falling is a great visual blog/website filled with scans of 60s graphic imagery, flavored by an emphasis on magazines and newspapers and the left-wing politics of the era. Site founder Sean Stewart has packed the site with Ramparts magazine covers, Black Panther Party... MORE