Florian Bachleda's Profile

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  • Posted A Wise Latina and the Color Red: Latina's Justice Sotomayor Cover to Grids
    In 2009, Justice Sonia Sotomayor became an instant inspiration to Latinas in the United States. She lost her father when she was 9, battled diabetes, and was raised by her mother in a public housing project. She eventually graduated with honors at...
  • Posted Rebranding LATINA to The Sandbox
    Say the word Latina, and what do many people think of? Women like Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek and Eva Mendes. But Latinas are also as diverse as Cameron Diaz, Raquel Welch, Rita Hayworth, and even Wonder Woman herself,...
  • Posted Latina to Contest
    The design of Latina magazine is based on the fact that there is no "typical" Latina. They are an eclectic group of women, who are determined to shatter stereotypes. So this year, we set out to rebrand the magazine, with...
  • Posted "Are You Doing the Makeup On My Page?" to Grids
    It's been over 15 years since I worked with and "designed" Nat Hentoff's often controversial column at the Village Voice, but I was still very saddened to hear that he was laid off last week after 50 years of service....
  • Posted Report from Denver to Grids
    Attending a political party convention for the first time for any political junkie is an exciting and unpredictable experience. SPD being the non-partisan organization that it needs to be, I promised Emily I would stay away from politics, and only...
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